
Beyond ESP 3 by Michael Murray

Beyond ESP 3 by Michael Murray - Mentalism Effect – MindFX

Beyond ESP 3 – New edition.


You spoke, we listened! This is the third generation of beyond ESP and is actually a 2.0 as the markings have been enlarged to make them even easier to read while still being totally invisible to the non informed.

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Once Removed by Michael Murray & Steve Shaw

Once Removed (E-Book) – MindFX

“Once Removed” is a fascinating take on the “think-a-card” plot, a subject that absolutely fascinates the authors.

You will be taught a method for revealing a mere thought of card in an extremely fair manner. There are no peeks or forces, and the deck can be given away after the performance if you so wish.

This 16 page manuscript details not only the effect in full, but the preferred handling of each of the authors. Suitable for both close-up and stage, Once Removed has been used extensively by the authors, who have finally decided to tip this work after fooling magicians and layfolk alike for quite some time.

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Experimental by Michael Murray (Lecture Notes)

Experimental by Michael Murray (Lecture Notes) – MindFX

In May 2023 Michael Murray was invited to present his ‘Experimental’ lecture at the wonderful ‘May Day of Magic’ mini-convention that is held annually in Darlington…

To accompany this lecture, Michael produced a set of lecture notes that featured many of the ideas that he presented on the day. Due to the demand for these notes from those that were unable to make this event, Michael has produced a small number of these notes and is now making them available worldwide.

To accompany these notes, you will be supplied with several additional props that help to facilitate some of the ideas contained within its pages.

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Springboard by Michael Murray

Springboard by Michael Murray - Mentalism Effect – MindFX

Note: Due to the new VAT regulations all orders for the ebook version will be manually emailed within 24hrs of receiving your order.

Springboard is Michael Murray’s revolutionary new system for allowing your SPECTATOR to read minds!

Imagine for a moment that you are thinking of a card. The spectator creates a card in their mind, never mentioning any color, suit or value. Their choice is real. You name the card that you were thinking of and they freak out. Put simply they have just read your mind.

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Perna – Orestium

Well, here it is! The book has been in a making now but Perna has finally finished up their long-awaited book of secrets.

This book is full of material that gave Perna their name in mentalism and is a stand-out piece when performed.

The book starts with two forewords by Perna’s friends Fraser Parker and Ross Bartels and then you dive right into the material

Everything from card material, propless star sign reveals, diabolical principles, hypnosis techniques, and stage pieces fill this book which makes it perfect for any level of performer in the art form.

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One Dollar Secret Vol. 2 By Lewis Le Val

One Dollar Secret Vol. 2 By Lewis Le Val — Mindhaus

Lewis Le Val’s birthday edition of our popular, “One Dollar Secret” series.

For just £1 (a little over $1), we’re offering a 26 page PDF that contains a valuable secret – but here’s the twist: you won’t know what it is until you buy it. There’s no description, no spoilers, and no clues. All we can say is that those who trust us will find their £1 purchase holds far more value than expected. It’s not about what you think you’re buying, it’s about what you’ll discover.

The question is, will you dare to invest just one pound for something that could enhance your mentalism forever?

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Ed Marlo – M.I.N.T. Vol 2

MINT #2 Edward Marlo eBook DOWNLOAD — Magicbox

M.I.N.T #2 by Ed Marlo is the first in a two-part collection of revolutionary card specialist Ed Marlo’s incomparable contributions to the New TOPS magazine (Marlo In New Tops). M.I.N.T #2 collects Marlo’s submissions between 1968 and 1979, a total of 49 powerful Marlo masterpieces, a diverse and exciting range of tricks, sleights and subtleties, many of which have since become staples of the magician’s arsenal.

Ed Marlo’s name is regularly invoked by the most skilled and knowledgeable magicians, but his out-of-print contributions to the New TOPS magazine have been hard to find and have commanded

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