
Silvia Stjärna – The Four Pillars Of Truth

Silvia Stjärna - The Four Pillars Of Truth (eBook) – e-Mentalism

e-Mentalism is proud to introduce our first release from mysterious reader and healer, Silvia Stjärna.


Upon first meeting Lewis Le Val in 2018, he was blown away by her use of simple yet beautiful mentalism methods and cunning techniques within her work as a full time psychic reader and healer. Le Val encouraged Silvia to release some of her ideas, and after a couple of years, she finally agreed!

In The Four Pillars Of Truth, you will learn Silvia’s refreshing approach to giving accurate and well structured cartomancy and tarot readings. Cartomancy always seemed to be the least

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Before We Begin by Asi Wind

Asi Wind and Vanishing Inc. present one of the most comprehensive explorations ever written about a topic that is far too often overlooked by magicians and mentalists.

One of the most widely-respected magicians and thinkers in the industry, Asi Wind offers an in-depth look at the art of pre-show with Before We Begin. He shows you how, when performed correctly, pre-show can be one of the most powerful tools a magician or mentalist can possess. It’s one of the easiest ways to transform a simple routine into a showstopping miracle.

With so few resources previously available, pre-show techniques have long been misunderstood. Many performers either use pre-show incorrectly, are intimidated by it or just don’t see the

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Michael Murray – A Brave New World (Video+PDF)

Brave New World (E-Book) – MindFX

Michael Murray’s version of OOTW is genius, pure and simple.  If Paul Curry had still been alive he would have adopted Michael’s handling immediately.  It is THAT good.” – Mark Elsdon

“A Brave New World” is Michael Murray’s take on the Paul Curry’s classic titled “Out of this World”.

For those that are not familiar with this effect you essentially allow a spectator to deal a shuffled deck into two face down piles.  When each of these piles are turned over it is revealed that the spectator has somehow managed to separate the red cards from the blacks.

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Ouroboros by Mark Elsdon

“I absolutely LOVE Ouroboros! No one else is releasing material on this level. Conceptually brilliant AND a total worker. My favorite thing Mark has put out alongside Limelight.” – James Went



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Perna – Knaviocity

In this manuscript, you will some of Perna’s favorite playing card material which they use in their everyday repertoire and they can now be yours.

In this manuscript, you will find:

The Game of Charlatans: This is a propless thought of card effect where the participant builds up a poker hand in their head, thinks of a card from that hand, and the performer is able to reveal exactly what that card is. There will be two methods for you to know exactly what the card they are thinking of is.

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Magic Moments by Incredible Rohit

Magic Moments by Incredible Rohit :

xcerpt from the introduction:

In this book you will see that most of the effects are simple. Although some of them require a few basic counts and moves they are all entertaining. In fact all the effects can be good openers. Many of the card tricks use playing cards with unusual pictures. From my past experience I have seen that people prefer these kinds of cards more than the usual playing cards. As much as possible I have tried to avoid “select a card” effects, but for one which I feel is a very strong one. I don’t claim that everything in this book is original as you will see that many of them are variations of

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