Magic Package

Gabriel Werlen LIVE

“Gabriel Werlen will go down in history as one of the 21st Century’s greatest mentalism creators. Bold words I know, but easy to for me to say because I have seen, read and studied his material. Gabriel has also fooled me more times than any mentalist I have ever met. And his material isn’t just fooling, it’s also delightfully clever, the ‘puts-a-grin-on-your-face-when-you-perform-it’ kind of clever. There’s no doubt that his Penguin lecture will shoot straight to the top of many people’s Favourite Lecture of All Time list, and so it should.” – Mark Elsdon

“Gabriel is one of my all-time favourite creators. Everything he releases is GOLD!” – Michael Murray

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Pierric LIVE

“Humour and skill combined with smart ideas and perfect timing. Pierric is a joy to watch.” – R. Paul Wilson

“Pierric always surprises me with new subtle effects, or methods…” – Gaëtan Bloom

“Pierric has been a friend and an inspiration for more years than I care to count. His numerous FISM awards alone should tell you that this is someone you do not want to miss.” – Michael Weber

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Rick Maue LIVE

“A short, pithy quote seems inadequate when recommending a three-hour masterclass with one of magic’s most interesting and insightful thinkers. Personally, I find Rick to have a fascinating and revealing perspective on the performance of magic and mentalism. If you are a serious student of the art, you will discover many invaluable ideas worth exploring or applying to your own repertoire. The material is intriguing, and even if you don’t adopt any of his routines, the lessons shared along the way are often universal, such as his thoughts on creating natural logic for necessary procedures. Rick is an essential source of great thinking and an invaluable resource for mystery performers everywhere.” – R. Paul Wilson

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2024 Penguin LIVE Holiday Spectacular with special guest Craig Petty

The 2024 Penguin LIVE Holiday Spectacular.

New bits, new laughs, and awesome new tricks by Santa Clause AKA Craig Petty!

The Penguin Live Holiday Spectacular is our way to give back to the people that mean the most to us, you, our customers. Hosted by Erik Tait, Carisa Hendrix, and Craig Petty, this trio created catchy magic-themed holiday songs, hilarious sketches, and super strong magic from Craig Petty.

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Sam Huang Live

“I love everything about Sam! His skill, his presentation… he is a great inspiration to those in this art form.” – Shin Lim

“Sam‘s approach to designing magic tricks is absolutely not the typical mindset of most magicians. It is precisely because he has a natural talent in this area that he is able to find major breakthroughs in magic. This conviction is very worthy of us learning from.” – Henry Harrius

“Sam has quickly became one of my favorite magic creators from this era. His way of creating magic is truly incredible.” – Nicholas Lawrence

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Krystyn Lambert LIVE

“If you have any interest at all in cold reading, this instructive and inspirational lecture is essential viewing. It would be hard to imagine a more useful or entertaining introduction to practical cold reading —whether you want to give one-on-one readings or weave cold reading into a theatrical show. Krystyn explains it all: the history, the ethics, the best techniques, how to start, how to improve and even her personal ‘roadmap’ for giving readings. What’s more, you get to see Krystyn perform some of her ‘signature’ routines, such as ‘Tarot Impulse’, ‘Q&A’ and ‘Dreams’ — all of which are charming, engaging and highly entertaining. Krystyn already has countless fans, of which I’m one. Thanks to this must-see lecture, I expect she’ll soon have many more.” – Ian

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Branden Wolf, Dalton Wayne, and Nicholas Lawrence LIVE

“I’m a huge fan of Dalton. He creates his own path with a fascinating originality and his artistic drive shines through everything he does. I’m excited to sit back and watch him make some serious waves.” –Daniel Madison

“Nicholas empowers you with the tools needed for some of the most direct visual magic. Clever and creative.” –Garrett Thomas

“Nicholas’ work consistently delivers beautiful, highly visual impact effects on the level that all of us grew up wanting magic to have… His designs create what REAL magic would look like…If

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