
Sui Generis by Fraser Parker

Sui Generis is a breakthrough system for guessing any word, entirely propless.

It allows for what is essentially a mental billet peek, without the need for anything to be written down by your spectator.

Fraser has searched for this work all of his life and is something he considers his best work so far and a crowning achievement in the Mystery Arts.

There is very little process, everything is justified presentationally and the method is practically self working and will become second nature.

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Stephen Hobbs – Technical Toolbox (7 DVD)

eginning in January of 2014, Stephen Hobbs – author of Modus Operandi: The Magic of Jack Carpenter, Gene Maze and the Art of Bottom Dealing, and The Essential Sol Stone – commenced a project that was heralded to be both crazy and impossible: an online web ‘zine to be released every week for fifty-two weeks devoted to his brand of powerful and practical card magic.

Joshua Jay and Andi Gladwin of Vanishing Inc. were so impressed with the Technical Toolbox that they arranged to release the material as an elegantly-produced DVD set and book—with bonus material—in one package.

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Thy Will be Done by Alexander Marsh and the 1914

A demonstration of inexplicable cosmic prophecy contained within the esoteric imagery of a SINGLE tarot card.

Mentalism doesn’t pack much smaller than this! Carry it always in your wallet for a mystic miracle at a moment’s notice with ZERO setup.

Thy Will Be Done requires NO prior tarot knowledge, making it the perfect effect for both tarot virgins and seasoned tarot-workers alike.

The routine utilises three ubiquitous objects: a pen, a coin and a wristwatch. Each of these items can be BORROWED from your participant.

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Deviate by Jamie Daws


Deviate is a method to achieve countless visual effects using nothing more than a normal card box and a deck of cards. With a clever, simple edit to a standard card box, you can achieve visuals that can normally only be performed with complex gimmicks.

There are no flaps, elastics, parts to break, things to replace or anything of the sort. It uses nothing more than a normal card box and a deck of cards. Editing the box takes minutes and will last

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Alexander Marsh – Billet Work (Mind Reading with Billets)

Outstanding! I haven’t been this excited about a mentalism video for ages…
The thought behind, and the motivation of, your billet peek make it perfect. It’s probably one of the best peeks out there.
Your “Bowl of Billets” is simply wonderful, you’ve provided such a great structure and variety of effects and reveals, it’s fantastic, very well done. It’s great thinking.”
– Marc Paul

The Z. System by Molim El Barch (Video+Templates)

Imagine being able to mindread or predict literally ANYTHING!
You spectator thinks of a name, you reveal that you have written down that name before he told you!
He thinks of a famous person, in an instant you reveal a picture of that person on your phone!
He thinks of any place in the world, you reveal either a picture of that place on your phone, or a map, highlighting that area.

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Your Choice by Ju Yeon

The yes/no trick that British mentalist Derren Brown did on his TV show has been reborn. If you like 50/50 mentalism like the Which hand trick, you’ll love this trick.

Through years of developing this routine, we have developed pure mentalism technique, psycholinguistic techniques, and a gimmick to create a safe but methodically fun yes/no routine.

The materials of the gimmick used in this magic are not only easy to obtain and cheap to buy but they can also be utilized in other magic tricks.

Unlike other yes/no magic tricks, you can make the gimmick hundreds of times once you get the materials you need. You can even perform this trick without using the gimmick.