Others Magic

Faith Hacker by Dr. Cyril Thomas

“This looks like real magic I love it!” – Joe Rindfleisch

“Faith hacker just shattered my faith.” – Hanson Chien

“I can’t wait to learn!” – Bacon Fire

“Beautiful vanish, get it and thank me later” – Danny Urbanus

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Will Tsai – Alchemist

Alchemist: Blossom - Will Tsai - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

This is one of the best self-bending metal effects we have ever seen. Will Tsai’s effects always seem to ask the question, ‘what would it look like if I could do this for real?’ and when you see the way that this effect allows you to warp metal so beautifully, you’ll appreciate why his philosophy is so good.

If we truly had the power to bend metal, why stop at just one bend?

Blossom will suck the wind out of your spectator as your psychokinetic ability contorts and flares the neck and every single tine of a simple dinner fork. The moment where they realized that the power of your mind is reconstructing the physical properties of metal is one that will live with them forever.

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John Stessel – Flush

“The best rubber band trick I’ve seen in years.” 
– Alex Pandrea

Simple. Elegant. Impossible. You lightly hold two rubber bands at your fingertips. You touch them together. They link. You blow on them. They unlink. Both bands can be examined.

The problem with most rubber band tricks is that they require the magician to fiddle-to contort and stretch and loop the bands between each other and between the fingers. Well, the audience sees this. That’s a bad thing.

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TOTEMS by Barbumagic

Barbumagic presents TOTEMS.

In this project you will learn the following routines:

1. The ET Levitation: a one handed floating ring with a quick set-up. This is great as an oppener. It’s quick, visual and get’s people’s attention.

2. Inception Bend: a very natural-looking one-handed coin bend and a double coinbend routine, where one of the coins is bending in the magicians hand, while the second coin is bending in the

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Scott Alexander – Standing Up On Stage (6 DVD)

Magic Center Harri Online - Standing Up On Stage Volume 6 Encore by Scott  Alexander - DVD

In Volume 6 of Scott Alexander’s amazing series, you’ll learn key essentials not only of your act itself, but promoting it as well!


Scott opens with a discussion on finding a mentor and how it can be instrumental in your development as a performer. He gives you the secret formula for developing your stage presence. To wrap it all up, Scott discusses encores and “in one” pieces and why you should collect them.

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Liquid Pencil Project V3 by Calen Morell


Liquid Pencil Project V3 by Calen Morelli (Advanced Gimmick & Instructions)

All created with an organic object. An ordinary #2 pencil.

Throughout teaching his original Liquid Pencil Visuals you will open up new pathways of thinking regarding methods and black art.

These visuals play with the eyes in new ways that vividly push the boundaries of what visual magic can and will be like in the future.

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SPONSORED By Ekaterina Dobrokhotova

Sponsored by Ekaterina - dlmgicstore.com

Ekaterina created this hyper-visual effect for a Coca-Cola commercial that aired across Latin America. This product includes a 30min streaming video as well as a fully assembled gimmick with all the items you need to maintain and repair your gimmick

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